Monday, September 10, 2012

The Respect He Needs

I love the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. As a married woman, it is my path to Heaven. Unfortunately in our culture it has been under heavy attack for some time via contraception, divorce, "feminism", and now same-sex "marriage" among many other evils. As a young wife, it has been very difficult to navigate this holy path in such a distorted culture. One of the tools that has helped me is Shaunti Feldhahn's book For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men. I grew up with barely any concept of the differences between men and women. The prevailing ideology of my generation seems to be gender "equality", the denial of the true natures and differences between men and women, and so I went into my marriage clueless. Somewhere along the line I learned the concept that men need respect and women need love but Feldhahn's books really break it down.
I love being the heart of my home. Families are the fundamental unit of a society, an image of The Blessed Trinity; a family should witness Christ's love to the world. As wives we need to put God first in our lives and be faithful and submissive to our husbands as to the Lord and the rest will follow. This list of 5 respect needs for men is another great marriage tool and I know I will need to come back and review it from time to time.

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