Wednesday, January 18, 2012

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

 Pretty baby boy.

 Finally! Snow!!!
 The Pathfinders (Ages 5-6) at our Parish's American Heritage Girl mid-year ceremony. Alice is the littlest one all the way to the left.
Receiving the "I promise to love God" bead.
 Someone had a fun-filled snow day.

The time to make the stand is now. Call and write your representatives to let them know where you stand on the issue of Internet censorship.

round button chicken

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Spiritual AND Religious AND Christian AND Catholic

SBNR. Spritual, but not religious. I've noticed growing up, that this seems to be a prominent trend in our society today. Chesterton put it perfectly when he said "He who marries the spirit of the times will soon be a widow." Today on Facebook I noticed a video going around called "Why I hate Religion, But Love Jesus." My reaction was one of irritation (there's no heresy filter option on facebook, apparently) but I was happy to see this rebuttal as well. I highly recommend it.
I am eternally grateful for our Holy Religion, the Catholic Faith. Religion is virtuous, and it is not the legalism shown by the pharisees. And I am not sure which is worse, the pharisees' legalism or today's subjectivism. But I digress... Religion is a set of beliefs and practices followed by those committed to the service and worship of God. The first commandment requires us to believe in God, to worship and serve him, as the first duty of the virtue of Religion (CCC 2084,2135). 
Irreligion is a vice!! It is a vice contrary by defect to the virtue of religion. Irreligion directs us away from rendering to God what we as creatures owe him in justice. (CCC 2095,2110).
If you truly know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are religious.
While this young man's video is misguided and uses inaccurate terms, the video's very existence should remind us of the 2nd commandment, which forbids blasphemy. Blasphemy utters against God -inwardly or outwardly- words of hatred, reproach, or defiance; in speaking ill of God; in failing in respect toward him in one's speech; in misusing God's name. The prohibition of blasphemy extends to language against Christ's Church, the saints, and sacred things. It is also blasphemous to make use of God's name to cover up criminal practices to reduce peoples to servitude, to torture persons or put them to death. The misuse of God's name to commit a crime can provoke others to repudiate religion (CCC 2148)
And so sadly, because some sin against religion, others are scandalized to the point of repudiating religion. I believe abandonment of "organized religion" leads to subjective religion, which in time leads to relativism, which leads ultimately to atheism. A culture that rejects religion will at least partially reject Christ, often filtering their faith through the culture in which they live instead of vice versa (pop-pyschology "Christianity", "Feminist" "Christianity", humanitarian "Christianity", feel-good "Christianity", American "Christianity", partisan political "Christianity", cafeteria "Christianity"... and so on...), and eventually reject Him totally.

 Me on the day of my Baptism, my true birthday.
 My brother and I (2 yrs old) at the Grotto.
 Me with my mother, at the Grotto.
 My daughter and I at the Grotto.

I LOVE Jesus. And I LOVE all the expressions of RELIGION that have been a part of my relationship with HIM throughout my life. I love His Bride: The Holy Catholic Church, Her Sacred Liturgy, Her Sacred Scripture, Her Sacred Tradition, Her Teaching Office: The Magisterium, The Sacraments, the communion of saints, sacramentals, prayers, devotions, and pilgrimages. Thank God for our Holy Religion.

Daddy and Baby

Isaac was pulling all my fabric out of my sewing stash and engaging in a fun little game of his own invention with dad.

And a big hug!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

My little American Heritage Girl is very pretty because she is working on inner beauty. Loving God, cherishing family, honoring country, and serving community.

Happy and Funny

Real bread!

round button chicken

Yarn Along

Second elf-hat finished and baby-doll elf hat. Alice requested a matching hat for Love (baby doll's name).

Monday, January 9, 2012

Kindergarten Part 2 - The Plan

January 9- February 21:
Concepts of Faith: 
     1) How do we sin?
We sin by choosing to do something we know is wrong. We disobey God. We do not love him as we should.
     2) What happens when we sin?
When we sin, we hurt ourselves, we hurt others, and we displease God.
Geography activity: Locate and label the countries of Spain and the Dominican Republic.
Themed Snack with quote: Valencia Oranges ("It smelled sharp and fresh, like tickling inside her nose. It tasted like a sweet sunrise, tingling inside her mouth.")

Ash Wednesday/Lent - April 7:
Concepts of Faith:
     1) What is Lent?
Lent is a time for preparing ourselves for the joy and new life of Easter
     2) What do the Stations of the Cross help us to remember?
The Stations of the Cross help us to remember all that Jesus suffered because He loves us.
Lesson Application: Stations of the Cross workbook pages 73-79 
Stations of the Cross for Children by Julianne M. Will (author)/Patricia Mattozzi (illustrator) 
Wear Green!
Geography activity: Find Ireland on a map.
Baking activity: Irish Soda Bread, Baking Bread with Children page 102
Baking activity: Hot Cross Buns, Baking Bread with Children page 94

Friday, January 6, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

DIY Liturgical Year Bulletin Board

This is a beautiful liturgical year calendar that is also interactive. The downloads and supply list are here at Sanctus Simplicitus.

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

A Christmas Gift from Alice's Godparents, a beautiful statue of Our Lady.

 Christmas cards from friends and family.

 The past two days of cold cloudy rainy weather have been such a gift, because they made the gift of today so beautiful.

 Isaac thinks peek-a-boo is very funny.  (<--video link)

 Homeschool late in the day, since that's when her brothers decided to nap and because it was sunny and she spent most of the day playing outside.

On a different subject, I am realizing that the paper dolls we gave Alice over during Christmastide require a lot more work than I gave any thought to. I've been carefully cutting, laminating, and reinforcing the dolls with Popsicle sticks (we have a history in this house of bent, stained, and ripped paper dolls) for days and as Alice patiently waits to actually be able to play with her dolls, I have just began to cut out their outfits and have not yet begun to make stands for them.

round button chicken