Friday, June 8, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

1. Camera Troubles - with both digital camera and phone camera not currently useable I've had to resort to disposable cameras. Unfortunately the last disposable camera only developed 9 of the 26 shots.

2. Which means there were some potentially very cute photos that are forever lost, like the several pictures I took of Alice sitting on the bunk bed reading to her baby brother and him listening attentively, and all of the pictures I took of Alice at her American Heritage Girls end of the year ceremony.

3. Alice completed her first year of American Heritage Girls and has crossed over from Pathfinder to Tenderheart. We are so proud of her. Unfortunately when we move there will not be a Catholic American Heritage Girls troop in our area so she will not be able to participate as a Tenderheart.

4. Adventures in Hair Cutting: two months ago the boys went to super cuts with their dad to get much needed haircuts and I really wasn't very satisfied with the results considering the price and so I decided I would cut their hair myself. Since May I have cut all 3 of the children's hair and considering it's a free/DIY haircut they look good. Julius' cut even looks better than the $8 "super" cut in my opinion. I took a few pictures of Julius' layered boys cut on another disposable camera, which hopefully develops better than the last.

5. Alice is hooked on phonics: well, we don't use that particular product, but lately she hasn't been very interested in math and mostly wants to do reading and phonics, especially her "Explode the Code" lesson books, which she says are really fun. After thinking about it I figured that there have been times in the past where she has mostly wanted to work on math and that it will all balance out. After all, I focus on my interests in much the same way, for a few weeks I may cram information on gardening and the next few weeks I'll mostly be interested in various knitting projects and then I won't knit for a time and focus more on catching up on reading good books etc. etc. I figure actual learning and retention of information is much more important than pushing ahead on a curriculum schedule and she is really advancing quickly in her reading skills. Now she will often point out words on signs and such that she is able to sound out or read small simple sentences she spots in my own books and magazines. As I mentioned above, she also reads baby books to her little brothers.

6. Little brothers and homeschooling: when possible I try to do lessons with Alice when the boys are napping, but often Julius is awake and I bought him a sketch book to color in while Alice writes in her lesson books. He absolutely loves Alice's lesson books and will flip through them reading the words and pointing out numbers etc. While she is working he will sometimes glance over and copy some of the words into his sketch book. He can read quite a few little books himself and holds a crayon with the correct grip even though he has never been instructed on how to hold it. He's really never been instructed on anything. He prefers to teach himself what he wants to know. So far he is a very successful "unschooler". Isaac loves to hear his older brother and sister counting and singing the alphabet song. Isaac will point and letters and numbers and lay on the floor flipping through books pretending to count and read like one of the big kids.

7. Number four: I am 27 weeks along as of today. I had an appointment with my midwife this week and everything is going just fine. I'm finally feeling healthy. I was still not quite myself until about week 22! By week 16 I could at least walk around and get out of the house a bit but still easily tired, had a lot of dizzy spells and felt ill as soon as I felt hungry at all, and got motion sick quite easily. It took a little while to build my muscles back up again as well. They had atrophied from the two months spent in bed and I could wrap my hands easily around the middle of my thigh (not a normal thing for me since I have naturally strong muscular legs). But now I'm feeling much better, more energy, and trying to exercise and build up the strength and endurance that I will need for labor and birth. Still no consensus on a name for the little guy.

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